[art] reverse lookup of named instances
Melvin Carvalho
2017-03-05 18:02:07 UTC
I've been looking lately at the excellent RFC 6920, Naming things with

It allows you to systematically translate a hash into a URI, and as another
excellent feature, provides a standard for doing a "forward" lookup.

In particular, if you lookup, say


It will return some information about that hash, which is really useful.
It could have a name, a description, the algorithm details, and hashtage

This leads to a question / problem. Let's say I have a tag, and I want to
find a list of hashes that contain that tag.

Does anyone know of a systematic way to solve this problem?

I was thinking something like


Which would return a list of hashes.

Is this a solved problem, or does something need to be invented?

Thanks in advance
